
🥷🏽 Notes From an Imposter Programmer

✨ Accelerator Update #5: It's Go Time!

Published 9 months ago • 1 min read

I am so, so happy to let you know that the Accelerator videos and book are final and ready for you! You can download the books and code here (expires in 2 days), and you can see all the videos here once you login (be sure to use the same email).

I finished up the case studies and put some polish on the book, including a editorial review (grammar, spelling, etc) and I do hope you enjoy them! This has been a lot of work, but tons of fun too.

I might add another case study if there's a demand. Originally I was thinking of doing a JavaScript primer for those who need but then I thought I would ask y'all what would be helpful for you. Reply and let me know. Right now there's one on Firebase and another on Playwright, the end-to-end testing tool.

Nothing is ever finished, really...

I have no problems adding/updating things - so if you have thoughts, I'm all ears.

Thank you so so so so much for supporting me through this! Hope you enjoy your goodies!


🥷🏽 Notes From an Imposter Programmer

Hi! I'm Rob Conery and I help self-taught programmers like me overcome doubt and build their career. Join me and over 15,000 other programmers who are learning new things, every day.

I taught myself to code in 1998 and within 7 years had a client list that included Google, Microsoft, Starbucks, Ameritech, KLA-Tencor, PayPal, and Visa. In 2014 I decided that I really needed to understand core Computer Science concepts, so I dove in, using the free resources from MIT and Stanford. In 2016 I shared what I learned with The Imposter's Handbook.

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